
Auto track quests wow
Auto track quests wow

auto track quests wow

To manually add quests to the tracker, open your quest log (L) and Shift + Click on the title of the quest. In WoW Classic, you can only track up to 5 quests at a time, and quests will fade from the tracker if you aren’t actively working on them. To enable this option open the Main Menu (ESC), click on Display, and check Automatic Quest Tracking. Well I got a new Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins. I have to go into my Quest Log and Shift click to get it to pop up. I don’t recall when the problem began but it has been a while now at least 3 months that when I am in Retail and I accept a Quest it will no longer auto track on my Objective bar.

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  • I've looked through system and interface options and I cant seem to find anything to turn auto quest tracking back on.
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  • To enable this option open the Main Menu (ESC). In WoW Classic, a quest will automatically appear in the tracker only when you complete an objective towards the quest, and you have Automatic Quest Tracking enabled.

    Auto track quests wow